
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Success! I left my house!

It doesn't make sense to the "normal" person, but with PTSD the small victories count for a lot. 

I don't have a service dog yet. Getting one is an expensive endeavor. I do have a 9 month dog named Daisy who will hopefully fill that need for me when she's a little older. 

I've been trying for 2 or 3 days to make it out of my house to get the oil changed. Daisy needs to go with me, but at times her puppy tendencies make her difficult for me to handle. 

I finally managed to go today and take her with me. It's a constantly taxing situation right now, but Daisy and I are both learning and getting better at it. 

Maybe one day it'll be like second nature. But for now we keep pushing forward.